Hail to east,  

from where she watches waiting loving.  

Hail to west, 

from where she dictates determines casts. 

Hail to north, 

for she surrounds us.  

Hail to south, 

lest she burn us. 

Hail hail hail hail hail to humanity, 

who needs it the most. 

And hail to nature, 

whom we have betrayed for millenia.  

Hail to east,  

from where she watches waiting loving.  

Hail to west, 

from where she dictates determines casts. 

Hail to north, 

for she surrounds us.  

Hail to south, 

lest she burn us. 

Hail hail hail hail hail to humanity, 

who needs it the most. 

And hail to nature, 

whom we have betrayed for millenia.